Pop-Up by SUP Kenya

On Saturday 6th of November, SUP Kenya had a pop-up at Tamarind Mombasa, from 10 am to 6 pm. The pop up is a series of events hosted by Zahra to support new and small online businesses by...

Jina Langu Ni Fatma Bakthir

Your Name and what do you do? My name is Fatma Mohamed Bakthir, a lawyer by profession and the CEO of Alwalidayn Centre. Tell us about Al-Walidayn Centre Alwalidayn Centre is a non-profit...

The Circular Economy HUB

Our story As Close the Gap Kenya was on life in Mombasa with our one stop shop “Close the Gap HUB”, we couldn’t leave out our new plant “the Circular Economy HUB”.  The Circular Economy HUB...