Jina langu ni Maureen Bandari

  1.Your name and what do you do? My name is Maureen Bandari and I am a fashion blogger based in Mombasa 2.Who inspires your style in fashion? I draw inspiration from everywhere, it...

Jina langu ni Murad Swaleh

  1. Your name and what do you do? My name is Murad Swaleh and I am a user experience designer at Crablinks Interactive where we build web sites, web apps and mobile apps. I like to...

Jina langu ni Winnie Araka

1.My name is Winnie Araka. I am a writer- I have self published a book called “No Change”, a blogger- I run the site www.SunsetInAfrica.com, a script writer and an upcoming actress. 2.What...

Jina langu ni Fikrah Teule

  1. Your name and what do you do? I am Fikrah Teule, A Recording artist, poet and Social Activist based in Mombasa, Kenya. 2. What do you like the most about Mombasa? The calm...

Jina Langu ni Rehema Wasi

  Your name and what do you do? Rehema  Wasi  Mwabaya, I am a lawyer in Mombasa. What’s something that amazes you? Nature and the environment amaze me What is the strangest thing you...

Jina Langu ni Chef Ali Mandhry

1. Your name and what do you do? Ali Said Mandhry commonly known as Chef Ali L’artiste 2. What’s something that amazes you? FOOD Culinary Cultures 3. What is the strangest thing you...