Mombasa Beach Hotels: View from above

We visit hotels and resorts every other weekend and sometimes even stay for days and weeks.  We talk of the interiors, the architects but there is more to creating a resort.  There are key factors that play a role in building a functional and practical resort.

The way it is build is one of the major attraction, it has to be appealing. When we visit the resort and walk through the lobby and to the rooms; we get attracted to the finish, the décor and other small things that make the place unique.

There is another aspect that is unique in hotels and resorts and is the way the building are aligned and the pool.  This feature can only be seen from above the hotel.  Some Hotels create buildings based on their logo, or a pattern that is attractive. Each pattern represent the establishment.

During the Uber #Uberchopper ride, we were able to capture some hotels, resorts and luxury apartments from bird’s Eye view. Most of the Hotels and resort are unique, and represent the coast region in one way or another.

See them below:

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Jammy is professional communication specialist in Mombasa, founder of Life in Mombasa she has vast experience on Social Media marketing. She holds a Bachelors degree in Arts emphasis on Interpersonal communication from Metropolitan State University in Minnesota (USA). Jammy is experienced in understanding human interaction as well as creating a stronger relationship between consumers and companies.

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