Author - Jammy

Mombasa Eateries: Floating Island Restaurant

Food is a basic necessity for every individual in this world. Food gives people energy to grow, food brings people together, and Food is essential in being alive. Hence, eating is the most important activity in our lives.

A few of Mombasa content creators were invited to sample menu at Floating Island Restaurant located right after Nyali Bridge former Azura/Thalasa. The authentic restaurant caters to coastal seafood and other gourmet meals, there is a variety for everyone. Scrumptious and freshly cooked food.

The sunset view is the highlight of the restaurant, watch the sun descend on the horizon as you indulge in the delicious meals- it is priceless.

The menu is affordable ranging from 900 to almost 19,000 kshs.

So next time you are looking for a place to eat- go to Floating Island Restaurant

Sights and sound:

INSTAGRAM REEL – Life in Mombasa

Mombasa Business: An Online Selling & Shopping Arcade

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You are a few clicks away from your dream E-commerce business!

Article By: SHOPieX e-Com Community

E-commerce enables startups and large-scale businesses to enhance their revenue through an online customer base. Considering the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, consumers will continue to prefer online purchasing due to avoid unnecessary hassles and social distancing. It offers safety, convenience, and the facility to find out products in real-time.

Having an online store with SHOPieX means that your shop is open 24/7 for customers.

There is no restriction due to lockdowns or any reason that forces consumers to shop at specific timings.

E-commerce provides a great deal of comfort to consumers. Shoppers don’t have to bear the hassles of traffic or get ready while shopping online. All they need is a laptop or smartphone to select a product, pay for it either online or on delivery, and it will be delivered.

The ever-evolving e-commerce landscape is exciting for business owners. It will bring many opportunities for them to scale their business by addressing the problems of consumers. If you consider the pandemic situation, you will notice that businesses with solid online presence survived successfully. At the same time, businesses with no online presence were shut down. Online business is the need of today’s digital era, and the sooner you realize it, the better it will be for your business.
With SHOPieX you can create your online presence and start the future of business (E-Commerce). is a Kenyan E-commerce platform (officially registered) that allows businesses and individuals to run online stores. It helps you increase both your sales and reach countrywide without experiencing the growing pains that come with outlet expansion. 

Benefits of selling on

Less of an investment.

If you build your own web store, you’ll need to invest more resources — time and money. For example, the cheapest Shopify plan will cost you $348 U.S. dollars per year, plus investment in graphic design, branding, initial setup, domain name, etc. None of this is a factor on SHOPieX.

Engaged audience.

In terms of the customer buying cycle, SHOPieX marketplace audiences arguably bypass the awareness phase. They are already aware they want a product.

Simplified approach.

SHOPieX has a fantastic interface for you to deal with your customer inquiries via Web and Mobile App and easy to use analytics page. These features make your role as a seller much easier.

Seller Identity.

SHOPieX offers easy-to-use-and-customize storefronts to businesses, seller-created item descriptions, and About Me pages, and puts seller brand-name and feedback front and center in listings. Sellers maintain an identity on SHOPieX that is separate from SHOPieX’s identity, something impossible on other platforms.


When people buy your product from SHOPieX, very rarely did they set out with the intent to buy from you. The vast majority of SHOPieX shoppers do trust it. It has a customer satisfaction rating of 89% as of 2021. Customers buying on SHOPieX have protection against scams and bad service.

SERP & SEO friendly.

(SERP stands for ‘Search Engine Result Pages’). SHOPieX marketplace is a well-established site and carries a lot of weight, so they’re more likely to rank well for popular search terms. This means that your products are more likely to be seen when someone searches for a keyword that is related to your product.

Keep your buyers coming back.

SHOPieX provides state-of-art customer service that lets your customers conveniently manage refunds, returns, and other common selling issues all in one place. The support window can be accessed from desktop and mobile devices and offers a simple and intuitive interface.

Seller App for (iOS and android).

It’s needless to say how apps are necessary for our business, and you will need an app solution to scale up your e-commerce business to the next level. SHOPieX brings you seller App. to ensure the smooth running of your store just from your mobile!

This primarily is a FREE app for sellers, which will allow them to manage their business through this app.

Logistics & Last-mile Delivery.

SHOPieX shipping program makes local deliveries and countrywide shipping as simple as sending an item to a far-north buyer. Alternatively, sellers can set up their own shipping options.

Start selling on SHOPieX Today!

If you don’t have a SHOPieX seller account yet, you can Sign Up now. You can also see our page on become a seller for more information.

You may always reach us via the below official channels for more information about SHOPieX Seller program.


Pop-Up by SUP Kenya

On Saturday 6th of November, SUP Kenya had a pop-up at Tamarind Mombasa, from 10 am to 6 pm. The pop up is a series of events hosted by Zahra to support new and small online businesses by giving them an opportunity to showcase their products and interact with customers on a face-to-face level. This allows customers to see the products firsthand and meet the face behind the business. She also raises funds through entrance by allowing people to donate cash so that fund SUP Kenya charity projects.

SUP Kenya is a platform that supports businesses small and big by marketing them and in return uses the funds to give back to those in need. They encourage businesses to intersect business and philanthropy. We try to work within the businesses budget so that all parties mutually benefit. They hope to connect people and business to encourage one another to support each other, be united through collaborations and for everyone to prosper.

One of their charity projects is going to Coast General Hospital and gifting new mothers with newborn hampers filled with pampers sanitary pads, wipes and more. They try to involve the community in any projects that they do be it a good distribution, sponsoring an education or purchasing mattresses. They work towards creating a sustainable projects and creating a community that is open and ready to assist.

To get information for the Next pop-up follow – SUP Kenya on Instagram

Sights from the Pop-up

Jina Langu Ni Fatma Bakthir

Your Name and what do you do?

My name is Fatma Mohamed Bakthir, a lawyer by profession and the CEO of Alwalidayn Centre.

Tell us about Al-Walidayn Centre

Alwalidayn Centre is a non-profit, family-run organisation based in a remote village in Kwale County. First established in 2016, the Centre opened its doors to the community of Kinondo, tackling different issues facing them by constructing institutions that would benefit different aspects of their lives.

It consists of a Mosque, a free Madrassa (Islamic School), a free Private Integrated Academy, a free hospital providing free medical services and medication, and a Girls Rescue Centre, accommodating orphans and Girls who’ve been through all sorts of abuse, eg., defilement, neglect and abandonment, forced marriages, trafficking etc.

What made you change career?

My desire to give back to the community and promoting human welfare made me take a detour from Law to being a full-time Humanitarian.

Not every day or every time do we get people with legal issues. Most of the human suffering is caused by poverty, natural causes etc., hence where my focus shifted and I ventured into community service/development.

If you could have only one superpower, what would it be?

To be able to help all those who come my way seeking for financial or any form of assistance.

Do you think it’s better to have one great skill you’re great at or many skills you’re a ok at and why?

I believe it’s better to have one skill you’re great at than many skills you’re okay at because when you focus your mind onto one thing and fully perfect it, you become more efficient and reap the greatest results out of it. Unlike having to do several things at the same time, it could work if you’re capable of doing so, but the results won’t be similar to that of specializing in one particular thing.

Unemployment is high in Mombasa, what advice would you give to any upcoming youth who doesn’t know what to do?

My advice would be to first take time to figure out what exactly it is they resonate to and where they see themselves fitting in well. Then they put themselves out there in the field either through volunteering or just getting an attachment in whatever it is they’ve studied for, and not to lose hope for giving their time and not get remunerated. There’s always something you’d get out of a work experience; Remuneration doesn’t necessarily have to be monetary. It could be gaining of knowledge, exposure or connections, or generally the experience.

Secondly, to be on the lookout and careful not to be exploited by employers, who’d just want to use your skills and time and not offer anything that would be of essence to your life or career.

Lastly, don’t overstay in places. If one feels like they’re getting physically and psychologically drained yet not receiving anything, feel free to walk out and look for another opportunity elsewhere and eventually you’ll land on employment.

How do you deal with failure?

I don’t believe that there’s anything like failure. I always remind myself that every situation that comes by comes for a reason. To teach me a lesson, to shape me up to be a better human being, and to remind me that there’s a divine force (God) out there looking out for me so whatever it is that I didn’t succeed in wasn’t really meant for me.

People love giving, what advice would you give someone looking into charity?

First: identify a project you’d want to support – could be a meal project for children, sanitary towels for girls, academic sponsorship for an orphan, for mothers, for elders, etc., then look for organisations working on those projects.

Before donating, get to know their background, success stories, some are merely just faking stories and are not genuinely working for the purpose of helping people. If need be, you can visit the place or be part of one of their projects so you can see how they’re working (if there’s a huge sum involved).

Lastly, give knowing that you’ve played a part in trying to make someone’s life easier and possibly alleviating their suffering, and it doesn’t end there. Give occasionally.

Charity is easier when it comes straight from the heart with the intent of pleasing God, The Almighty.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Well, I haven’t really thought of that since I’m enjoying living in the present, but hopefully where my heart is at peace at. I always believe in doing things that make me happy and I’m hoping 10 years from now I’ll be in that state and more.

I also pray I’ll still be doing what I love and am passionate about doing which is serving the community. I hope I’ll have managed to touch more people’s lives and impacted them positively.

Parting Shot

Always prioritise your mental and emotional well-being in whatever it is that you do. When the mind is functioning well, everything else will work well.

Mombasa Eateries: Blue Room – Likoni Mall Branch

If you grew up in Mombasa, then you know Blue Room, opened in 1952 as simple place for serving exceptional tea, bhajias and BR ice cream. Today, it has become a household name for Ice Cream, Tea and meals. Blue Room was the place to go after going to Makadara where you are fed chips and chicken on that special Eid day. It’s the place for meetings, and dates and family gatherings. It is also a landmark for navigation in Mombasa.

As days goes by, they had to keep improving the restaurant. Today, Blue Room has opened another restaurant at Likoni Mall and its beautiful and warm ambiance brings the nostalgic feeling and memories of our childhood.

Life in Mombasa had a chance to sample the improved menu at the Likoni Mall branch:


Fresh bread, dipped in our egg mixture, pan fried and topped with cream cheese and our gourmet strawberry jam


Tender boneless chicken marinated in tikka sauce. Served with chilli mint chutney and fresh onions


Cooked chick peas served with paprika olive oil and focaccia bread


Grilled beef patty topped with cheddar cheese and caramelized onions, aioli, mayonnaise, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes


Marinated half chicken, flame roasted and served with our house mint chutney and yogurt


Mixed vegetables with paneer biryani

For Dessert – we had Brownies topped with Ice Cream and Blue Room Signature Caramel Ice Cream Cone.

Visit when you get time!

Check out their website for menu:

The Circular Economy HUB

Our story

As Close the Gap Kenya was on life in Mombasa with our one stop shop “Close the Gap HUB”, we couldn’t leave out our new plant “the Circular Economy HUB”.  The Circular Economy HUB is also part of the social enterprise, Close the Gap Kenya. That aims to bridge the digital divide by offering high-quality, nearly new computers collected from European and international companies to educational, medical and social projects in developing and emerging countries.

State of art ITAD facility

Close the Gap Kenya is very proud of their recently manufactured state of art IT asset disposition facility in Jomvu, The Circular Economy HUB.

IT asset disposition, or ITAD is the process of how and where to dispose or re-manufacture IT-hardware. It is the first fully automated ICT assembly and manufacturing plant at the Kenyan coast. Here Close the Gap Kenya assembles computer components, mobile devices, spare parts, and other tech devices into affordable ‘made in Kenya’ nearly new computer devices. These devices will be used in educational, medical and social projects.

The process

After the devices arrive in the harbor, they will be taken to the Circular Economy HUB. The process starts here. It starts by unpacking the container. All devices pass the “check-in”. At the check-in they check the state of the devices, the specifications and register them in the stock system. After this they go through different kind of processes at the Circular Economy HUB, called: teardown, monitor, mobility, and data wipe.

At the teardown all broken devices, are processed. These are devices that cannot be re-used.

They will be taken a-part and the e-waste will be disposed in a safe way. 

At monitor, as the word already reveals they process all screens, and at mobility we process mobile phones and tablets. The data wipe area is for wiping all data from the devices. Data wiping is key in their process. This the process of overwriting the data on a particular hard drive to such an extent that the original data is unreadable. The benefit of data wiping, aside from protecting company data, is that you can completely reuse the original hard drive.

After the data wipe process the assets are ready, they get validated in the system and are carefully packed and stored to await their new destination. After they are assigned to a project, the devices will be installed with the needed software and they get packed and delivered to start a new valuable life.

With this process Close the Gap Kenya wants to contribute to introducing work opportunities and better equal income for disadvantaged youth and women.   

The Circular Economy HUB will be the third pilar of the incubation program “BOOST”. This program is founded to support the growth of decent work opportunity, green business, and access to sustainable technology, while fostering the circular economy of Mombasa.

Besides using the devices in educational, medical and social projects. Close the Gap Kenya will also offer the devices for the individual consumer. They will be offered via our website and at our one stop shop at Ratna Square.

Are you interested?

Are you interested in a laptop or computer from Close the Gap Kenya?

Have a look on our website:

Or get in touch with us:


Phone: 0746 998 771

Social media:

Coworking Space: Close the Gap HUB

Our story

Close the Gap HUB is part of the social enterprise, Close the Gap Kenya. That aims to bridge the digital divide by offering high-quality, pre-owned computers collected from European and international companies to educational, medical and social projects in developing and emerging countries. To maximize our impact, we have created a one-stop-shop at Ratna Square where we innovate, educate and manufacture.

Our one-stop shop at Ratna square

This one stop shop called “Close the Gap HUB” is created in Mombasa at Ratna Square. It is the dynamic heart for individual and international co-workers, young entrepreneurs and start-ups.

There is a great inspirational and spacious co-working space with meeting rooms to host all your meetings and events. The members can even exercise in the mini-gym during their breaks.
Young start-ups can benefit from an incubation program called “BOOST”. There is also an innovational maker space, where users can access state of the art machinery. This machine is geared to helping create prototypes.  

If after all this you are in need of a break, you can have lunch at the Close the Gap Café, where they sell an excellent range of coffee, pastries and tasty baguettes.

Why and how to join

So, what is in it for you? We have an inspiring community filled with individual & international co-workers, start-ups and young entrepreneurs. In a perfect place with all the facilities you need.

Our memberships start from 1,000 KES for 4 hours, up till our monthly flex-desk of 15,000 KES per month.

All memberships include access to our spacious & inspiring co-working space, coffee, tea and water, seating at any available desks, highspeed internet and access to our mini gym.

We have a special offer for readers of “life in Mombasa” come and try our co-working space for a half day for free. Get your voucher here

Take a look at our website for more:

Or get in touch with us:


Phone: 0746 998 771

Social media:

Vuna Mamili Na Kitui Flour Mills

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Mahamri, chapatti, kalamati , mitai and flour based meals are nostalgic to coastal people, many people grew up eating these meals and still an essential part of cuisines in a coastal household. It doesn’t go a day without having the Swahili delicacies. Today, Unga wa dola is a common household flour brand in Mombasa, because of the coastal Swahili food it is widely used in cooking various meals. Meals such as chapatti, mahambri, and other flour based Swahili delicacies that need flour to make it. Kitui Flour Mills started in Mwingi in the Eastern Region of Kenya in 1987; it is now one of the top milling companies with nationwide milling plants producing a wide range of nutritious products. The infrastructure of the company includes 8 modern flour mills fully equipped with latest & advanced technology machines with an installed capacity to produce/process 50,000 metric tons of processed flour per month.

Their products have been able to transform family meals and eventually homes. Throughout the years, the Kitui Flour Mills family has been united and fortified by love, loyalty, sharing and solidarity.  They provide an opportunity for families to eat together and create cohesions through scrumptious meals. Kitui Flour Mills will be celebrating 40 years next year, in appreciation of customers through Unga Wa dola and Jahazi brand will be launching appreciation awareness campaign. The campaign will give consumers opportunity to win various prizes. The three-month campaign, ‘VUNA MAMILI NA KITUI FLOUR MILLS,’ will run from the beginning of April, 2021 to June, and incorporates the group’s most popular brands: Unga wa Dola, EGL Dola and Jahazi Flour Promotional Packet. The purchase of any 2Kg, 1Kg, or 500g packet from the this brand range qualifies a consumer for a chance to win KES.1 Million weekly, instant prizes and airtime, smart TV and fridge among other electronics, Tuktuk & motorbikes.

Twelve lucky consumers stand a chance of winning the weekly grand prize of Ksh. 1 Million. There will be 12 Kshs 50,000 weekly winners, 24 Kshs 20,000 twice weekly winners, 60 Ksh 10,000 five times weekly winners, 60 Kshs 5,000 five times weekly winners and 240 Kshs 1,000 twenty times weekly winners. There are also 12 motorbikes, 12 43” smart televisions,12 double door refrigerators, 12 non-stick cooking set and 12 cake mixers up for grabs each item to be won on a weekly basis.

How to enter the campaign:

  • Purchase of your favorite brands – Unga wa Dola, EGL Dola and Jahazi Flour
  • Check for an eight character alphanumeric code printed inside the flour packet (for one entry only)
  • Send an SMS with the 8-character alphanumeric code to 20770. (Normal SMS rates shall apply)
  • Each alphanumeric code sent will form an entry into the draw and be eligible to win any prize in the promotion.

Winners of the Kshs. 1,000,000, Kshs.50,000, KES.20,000 , 42” Hisense Television, 150cc Motorbike (Haojin brand), Ramtons Double door Refrigerator, Cookware Non-Stick Cooking set, Nunix Electric Cake Mixer and 225cc TVS King Tuk-tuk shall be notified by a call from our toll free telephone number 0111 033 777 and instructed on how to collect their prize.

Unga wa Dola Social Media






Coworking Space: MombasaWorks CBD

MombasaWorks has opened its second and newest coworking location along Nkrumah road in Mombasa’s CBD. They are located inside the Oriental Building, a beautiful Mughal-inspired heritage building built in 1937 and lovingly maintained. With ancient teak floors, you still feel steeped in history, despite the remarkable transformation of the space’s interior.

The Space – bigger and better

The MombasaWorks mission is to enable entrepreneurs and small and growing business through flexible office facilities, networking, peer-learning, capacity development and collaboration. Their new space was designed with this mind. If you’ve visited their space in Nyali, you will not be disappointed with their newest location. They’ve gone bigger and better!

The space has 4 meeting rooms of varying size and style, some with writeable walls and smart TVs, others withmoveable furniture and beanbags. Their largest meeting room can hold 14 people for a training, and with moveable furniture, can be turned into an event room for cocktails or firesides.

Entrepreneurs and small and growing businesses do not need tons of idle space, so they introduced dedicated desks in a members-only zone and a dozen lockers and a strong room for storage.

The new space also has private office suites, able to sit between 2 to 6 people each. These are fully-furnished, with ergonomic seats, desks and storage space. As well as telephone extensions and air-conditions.

They wanted to offer as many options as possible for users to get a change of scenery during their work day. The coffee bar, equipped with coffee machines, lounge and chill room were introduced with this in mind. The entire space is air-conditioned, a cool respite from the sometimes intense heat of Mombasa island.

Being on the island, the space and location is also perfectly suited for frequent business travellers and agile teams.

What’s included in the Membership

With several membership options available, you pay for only what you need, when you need it. Monthly memberships start from 10,000 KES; and you can walk in and work with a Day Pass for only 1,500 KES. Meeting room prices begin at 1,000 KES per hour.

Users of the space have access to:

  • A desk and chair
  • High speed dedicated wireless internet
  • Access to all 4 private meeting rooms
  • Access to a commercial colour printer/scanner
  • An inspiring and beautiful communal workspace.
  • A great community and interesting events. All members are invited to join a private group where resources, consulting and business opportunities and members-only events are shared.

And whether you are there for a day or a month, you have access to unlimited hot beverages and water throughout.

How do I Join?

For all the details on amenities and pricing visit their website. They also welcome visitors to go and see the space. Get in touch with them to arrange a visit.

Limited offer

Readers of Life in Mombasa can get a 15% discount on the first month of a part-time or full-time monthly membership with the offer code lifeinmombasa. The offer is only valid for memberships during the month of April 2021 .

Email or call 0799 484116 for more information.

Social Media

Facebook : MombasaWorks

Instagram : MombasaWorks 

Twitter : MombasaWorks 

The Space in Pictures:

#NowTravelReady Mombasa is Now Ready

It has been a year since Covid-19 pandemic affected our lives, we have changed our daily lives to be more protected and mitigate the risk of testing positive for Covid-19. We have learnt to wear masks, we wash our hands regularly and above all got used to staying home most of the time. The lockdowns and curfews made us realize how we took many things for granted, we are now appreciating little things that make our lives worthwhile.

As we got used to the mitigations, we created the “New Norm”. It has become normal to wear a mask, to carry sanitizers and to maintain social distance. One of the biggest affected industry is the travel industry, airplanes were grounded, hotels were closed and restaurants were operating for delivery services only. Today, we have continued to reduce the risks the skies have finally opened. People are now ready to travel and abide to the rules set forth by various health ministries globally.  Although international flights have resumed, the most common travelers worldwide are domestic tourists in their respective countries. Because of stricter rules to fly internationaly, more people are opting to travel within their countries. Domestic Tourism has been on the rise, in Kenya more people are traveling locally and enjoy local destinations and experiencing local experiences.

To celebrate the return of the flights, JamboJet embarked on a journey to showcase and celebrate local tourism and the New Norm of traveling. The #NowTravelReady campaign took local content creators across their destination to capture and showcase the different strategies that have been implemented to mitigate covd-19 spread from the Airport, accommodation and activities. The #NowTravelReady campaign curated stories all throughout social media channels by the different content creators. Life in Mombasa in collaboration with Department of Trade, Tourism and Investment- Tourism Unit was delighted to sponsor and host Now Travel Ready in Mombasa from the 4th of February to the 8th of February 2021.  The simple itinerary included visiting old and upcoming areas in Mombasa.

The simple itinerary included:

Thursday 4th February

Friday 5th Feb

Saturday 6th Feb

Sunday 7th Feb

Monday 8th Feb

  • Check Out 

Transport throughout the trip was sponsored by Kilian Tours and Travel

Content Creators

The Content creators included the following, click on their links to see their curated works:

Monica Macharia @MonyqueXO

Marion Mithamo @Marion_Mithamo

Bonita Aluoch @bonitonsafari

James Wamathai @Wamathai

George Magunga Williams @TheMagunga

Oscar Ogero @Gufydox

Trevor Maingi @the_mentalyst

Sights and Sounds from #NowTravelReady Mombasa:

Now Travel Ready by JamboJet

KTN News Culture Quest

Scrapbook Journeys by Marion Mithamo

Bonita on Safari