The Enchanting Fort Jesus Sound & Light Show

Mombasa has a lot of history that makes us one of the unique cities in Kenya, dating from 900 AD Mombasa has a lot of rich stories of the past. You can learn from text books and hear all the stories but the best is to experience the history and learn from it. One of the key places to know more about the history of Mombasa is Fort Jesus.

Fort Jesus was built by the Portuguese in 1593-1596 to the designs of Giovanni Battista Cairati to protect the port of Mombasa by order of King Philip I of Portugal. The fort was built in the shape of a man (viewed from the air) and is roughly square, with four bulwarks at its corners. Fort Jesus was captured and recaptured at least nine times between 1631, when the Portuguese lost it to the Sultan Yusuf ibn al-Hasan of Mombasa, and 1895 when it fell under British rule and was converted into a prison. After the Portuguese recaptured it from the Sultan in 1632, they refurbished it and built more fortifications, subsequently making it harder for the fort to fall. The fort was subject to an epic two-year siege from 1696-98 by the Omani Arabs, led by Saif bin Sultan. The capture of the fort marked the end of Portuguese presence on the coast, although they briefly captured and re-occupied it between 1728 and 1729 with the help of the Swahili city-states. The fort fell under local rule from 1741 to 1837, when it was again captured by the Omanis and used as a barracks, before its occupation by the British in 1895, after the declaration of the Protectorate of Kenya.

The Enchanting Sound & Light Multimedia Experience

To experience all this, Jays Pyrotechnics curated a sound and Light show that captures the historic background of Mombasa and Fort Jesus. The enchanting sound and Light show takes you into the battles of Fort Jesus using 3D projection mapping, lasers and holograms., the 30-minute show will narrate the story of Fort Jesus. It is one-of-a-kind sound & light multimedia show in Africa, termed by National Geographic as a world-class production. The experience ends with colourful firework display on the night skies of Mombasa Old town.

The show is available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Available for corporate, entertainment events. In addition, they can customize projections messages such as birthday wishes, proposals and wedding anniversaries. The show starts at 7:00 pm and ends at 8 pm.

Entrance Fee – kshs 1000

Other Experience Offers:

The Enchanting Show + Dhow & Dinner Experience: Every 2nd Saturday of the month

You board the Dhow at the Tamarind Restaurant at 4 PM for a 2-hour sunset cruise, onboard you’re served cocktails and dropped at the Old Port. From there you walk across the enchanting Old Town, which is lit with holograms from the 15th Century to The Fort Jesus for the Show, followed by a 5-Course Dinner & Wine. Your tour ends with a night tour of Fort Jesus. The Experience is 5 hours.

Cost: Resident Rate: Ksh. 9,000 per person

4 Hour Enchanting Experience – The Enchanting Dhow & Show Experience: Every Saturday Only

You board the Dhow at Tamarind at 5.00PM in Nyali for a 2 hour sunset cruise where you’re served with cocktails and drinks, after which you are dropped at the Old Port in Old Town. You walk through the Enchanting Old Town which is lit with holograms from the 15th century Mombasa culture to the Fort Jesus where you watch the Enchanting Sound & Light Show with Firework, a 45-minute show where you are taken through the 400-year history of the Fort Jesus using 3D projection mapping, special and visual effects.

Cost: Resident Rate: Ksh. 3,000 per person

Booking Details

To book all the experiences contact:

+254 726 532 299





Sights of the Enchanting Fort Jesus Sound & Light Show

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Jammy is professional communication specialist in Mombasa, founder of Life in Mombasa she has vast experience on Social Media marketing. She holds a Bachelors degree in Arts emphasis on Interpersonal communication from Metropolitan State University in Minnesota (USA). Jammy is experienced in understanding human interaction as well as creating a stronger relationship between consumers and companies.

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