Tag - oriflame

Jina Langu ni Aisha Swaleh

Name and what do you do?

Aisha Swaleh, I’m an independent sales Gold Director at Oriflame Kenya.

Tell us more about Oriflame?

Oriflame is a Swedish company in the direct selling industry. It deals with natural cosmetics and gives us a chance to do business through multi-level marketing. It has been in Kenya for the last 8 years and has changed so many lives. Again, also celebrating 50 years anniversary next year.

How long did it take you to reach director level?

It took me 10 months from when i joined to reach director level and I helped 2 other women to grow to director level thus reaching gold director level. At the moment I am helping more and more women and young girls grow in the business.

What three qualities that helped you succeed?


Persistence wears resistance. Without being persistent I would’ve given up from the start.

Patience. Network marketing needs patience; it is not a get rich quick scheme. And at the same time dealing with different people and different attitudes and behaviors needs a lot of patience.

Most importantly, faith in God. I worked hard and prayed hard.

In Mombasa, Make-up artist are using the wrong make-up for their clients what advice would you give them?

Makeup artists using wrong makeup: people should learn that the makeup we use now will have an effect on us sooner or later. The rise in uterine and skin cancers is alarming. And it’s mostly brought about by the cancerous products we use on our face. Some even sleep with the makeup on the face which is not recommended. The make-up artists should not put money first, think of the dangers you are exposing your clients to!

What are the three things a woman should always carry in her handbag and why?

3 things- hand sanitizer, EVERY woman needs this in their bag! Our hands are the dirtiest parts of the body because we touch everything e.g. money, stair railings etc.

A mirror: instead of looking into someone’s car window to make your hair or scarf, carry a small mirror with you!

And a lip balm: not a lipstick, not a lip-gloss, a LIPBALM. No one wants to see you with cracked lips…

What motivates you?

Motivation: my family is my motivation. I want the best for my children and i will do anything for them to get the best.

What advice would you give to a woman struggling out there?

Every woman has a struggle, you just need to be strong, wipe those tears, and do your best! We are women, we go through a lot and we still come out strong. Create a business for yourself don’t wait to be fed, clothed. Opportunities like Oriflame await you. Registration is just 450/=, risk free! Plus free training.

What are your goals for the future?

To help other women succeed. In Oriflame we say, We rise by lifting others. And i plan to help as many women grow to higher levels and create a future for their children.

Parting shot

It’s time to wake up my fellow women. Today, I am a proud mother after seeing and helping my daughter succeed in this business. Create a future for your children; don’t wait for them to be seated behind a desk being paid 20k a month. Network marketing is the best gift you can give them! I did it, and you can do it too.