Instagram is one of the biggest social media app used to share photos, the app is great tool to share your photos with others. Over the years, photo enthusiasts have started InstaMeets, a way of meeting other photographers. The Instameet is a great opportunity to share tips and tricks with other photographers in the area, and an excuse to get out and explore someplace new.
On October 1st a group of Photographers in Mombasa met for The Mombasa Instameet, the first ever Instameet in Mombasa hosted by Mombasa Photographers Hub. The main theme of the Meet up was to promote Mombasa History, Culture and Architecture. The hashtag used to share the pictures #Insta001 #mbsaphotohub #mombasainstameet, check the beautiful photos through different photographers.
Below are some samples:
Habel Lenga– Instagram @Lenga_
Jacob Mohamed– Instagram @quareysmatic_photography
Tim Wainaina- Instagram @crystalpicturesphotography
Tommie Ominde – Instagram @tommie_o69
Murad Swaleh– Instagram @MuradSwaleh