Mombasa Eateries : English Point Marina Restaurants

So I recently had the privilege to tryout the new restaurant’s that located in English Point Marina.

Everyone knows English point for the great view of Old Town, and has an awesome sunset. They also have two new restaurants at the boardwalk. The first one is Margherita which is a contemporary Italian restaurant that specialize in wood burned oven, a traditional way to cook a pizza. The second one is Karahi, an Indian Restaurant with Indian chef who specializes in Authentic Indian Cuisine.


            The interior of the restaurant has exposed wood on the ceiling with the industrial type lights hanging off them, it is one of my favourite thing about the place. They also have exposed red bricsk with the abstract art hanging on the walls. The restaurant has an old Italian restaurant vibe with the booths that aren’t completely booths. My other favourite part is the black accent wall, with writings of Wines and the other one as a pizza drawing.

You can see your pizza begin prepared, cause of where the oven is located. It is an open floor plan.

Now to the food, by now you know that I am foodie, and finding good pizza is Mombasa is limited to only a few places, but the kicker is the fact it is a thin crust pizza. Now I never had one so this is my first time trying a Thin Crust one, I got to try the Chicken Tikka Pizza and it was delicious.

After this pizza, I am an official convert off the thin curst. You would think the pizza crust wouldn’t hold the ingredients that go into a pizza, but it was perfectly in place making it delicious and fulfilling.

As I mentioned above the Oven is a traditional Italian wood burning, one that is used in most Italian restaurants. So the pizza is evenly cooked and the crust has a crunch to it. The pizza is served on Wooded Pizza Plate, which makes it taste better in my opinion, and look aesthetically pleasing.

The next restaurant is.


Mombasa being a multi-cultured city, you will find all types of cuisines.  Indian cuisine being one of the popular cuisine in Mombasa, with different restaurants offering authentic Indian Cuisine. The variety of restaurants are located at different areas in Mombasa, and one of them being Karahi at English Point Marina.

Karahi serves authentic Indian food, with an Authentic Indian Cuisine Chef brought from India, as I mentioned above.

The decor is very different from Margherita, Karahi has a homey feeling to it with the neutral colour scheme of brown and orange with a little bit of black. It has a simple minimal theme to it. With one side with framed black and with photos of architecture and on the opposite wall is the minimal graphic that is common throughout the whole restaurant, in the table linen.

I am in love with the lights that have small holes in them, so when the bulb is lit, the holes will create shadows of the holes, I am planning to have dinner there with my parents there so I can take a photo of the lights. And also the wall that is lined with mirrors and candles that are electric, which creates a beautiful silhouette against the mirror. There is a glass window at the Kitchen that allows you to see your food being prepared.

I got to try the mutton curry, and naan bread. It can come with different sauces and a salad. I will admit the only India food, I tend to eat are Chicken Poussin and Chicken Tikka, I never venture into the curries, cause am always having lunch with my mum. So am grateful Kahari was the great introduction to the curries. The food was delicious and will possible start venturing into the curries, in the menu. The curry came in a bowl and was very tasty, the flavours where on point. The sauce was creamy and not to oily, the naan was non buttered although you can, order for a buttered naan. The mixture of spices will add flavor to your mouth making you appreciate the Indian Cuisine.

I enjoyed eating at both the restaurants, the ambiance and food quality was admirable. They are located in English Point, down by the boardwalk. You don’t need any reservations. The prices are affordable, and you can also enjoy the view of old town and then possible the sunset, because it beautiful and mesmerizing when you see it.

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Miss Mulei

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