Jina Langu ni Sajjad Bagha


Your name and what do you do?

My name is Sajjad Bagha and I am an experience web and software designer.

What are the top three mistakes you have noticed that coast companies do in their website?

A- Not being dynamic

A Static website will soon become a dead website. In order to keep users coming back, your website needs dynamic, changing content. You can achieve this by adding a blog that you update daily or weekly, offering monthly coupons, adding new video content, or including a widget that provides product or company updates. Keeping your content fresh is also important for search engine optimization – just be sure not to reduce the density of important keywords if you’re tweaking content on an existing page.

B -Poor design

The average user can’t tell good design from great design, but they will notice a poorly designed website. The overall look and functionality of your business’ website can instantly determine your credibility. If your site is unattractive and hard to navigate, then you’re likely to lose potential customers to a competitor. Regardless of how technically savvy you are, remember that you are a business owner first and a web designer second. We strongly recommend outsourcing your web design if you don’t have a designer on staff

C -Too many hoops

This idea goes back to the functionality of your site. E-commerce is an essential component of most small business websites. Customers should be able to make purchases quickly and easily, without confusion. The ideal checkout process is straightforward, keeps users in-the-know on how many steps are involved in making a purchase, and limits the number of clicks required to complete a purchase. Checkout processes with 3 clicks or less tend to see higher returns, so keep this in mind when you’re building or evaluating your checkout. Shipping costs should also be easy for customers to determine, so consider offering flat-rate shipping or adding a shipping calculator to product or checkout pages. If users can’t assess what the total cost of purchase is, odds are they won’t buy anything. Lastly, don’t forget that what seems intuitive to you may not seem as simple to the users of your website. Soliciting customer feedback about the usability of your checkout process can be a great way to find areas for improvement.

Is creating a custom made software hard to build?

NO its not but in Business you need vary enormously from one organization to the next. So, naturally, continual improvement to processes and techniques to effectively run the business is a must. Business owners always have to step out of the normal day to day to evaluate whether or not we’re being effective, how we can improve inefficiencies and how we can plan for the future.

Where do you play sports? And do you think there is enough sports facilities in Mombasa?

I play sports in my community ground… errm not really haven’t seen any… hehehe but they should bring in the facilities.

What is your opinion on the sports industry in Mombasa?

I would say Mombasa is making an effort to encourage people to embrace in sports.

What is your biggest accomplishment in your sports?

Getting a save in league game

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

My inspiration is drawn through the loving and caring environment I was brought up in. I will always draw on that love my parents and family members giving me. I am so grateful to them and specially dad himself. It gives me guidance in the manner I should live my life and follow my dad’s step and to be like him.

What would be your ultimate achievement?

Becoming a world class website & software developer.

How do you manage life and work?

Manage work, manage time.

Simple formula.

  • Set yourself a clock and see to it you finish all your work within that time frame. Start organizing things at work place.
  •  No compromise on personal relationships
  • Do due diligence to your personal life. Spend time with family and friends on regular basis. Involve in social activities etc

Parting shot

Inventor fails 99 times, and if he succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.

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Jammy is professional communication specialist in Mombasa, founder of Life in Mombasa she has vast experience on Social Media marketing. She holds a Bachelors degree in Arts emphasis on Interpersonal communication from Metropolitan State University in Minnesota (USA). Jammy is experienced in understanding human interaction as well as creating a stronger relationship between consumers and companies.

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