Author - Jammy

Jina Langu ni Aisha Swaleh

Name and what do you do?

Aisha Swaleh, I’m an independent sales Gold Director at Oriflame Kenya.

Tell us more about Oriflame?

Oriflame is a Swedish company in the direct selling industry. It deals with natural cosmetics and gives us a chance to do business through multi-level marketing. It has been in Kenya for the last 8 years and has changed so many lives. Again, also celebrating 50 years anniversary next year.

How long did it take you to reach director level?

It took me 10 months from when i joined to reach director level and I helped 2 other women to grow to director level thus reaching gold director level. At the moment I am helping more and more women and young girls grow in the business.

What three qualities that helped you succeed?


Persistence wears resistance. Without being persistent I would’ve given up from the start.

Patience. Network marketing needs patience; it is not a get rich quick scheme. And at the same time dealing with different people and different attitudes and behaviors needs a lot of patience.

Most importantly, faith in God. I worked hard and prayed hard.

In Mombasa, Make-up artist are using the wrong make-up for their clients what advice would you give them?

Makeup artists using wrong makeup: people should learn that the makeup we use now will have an effect on us sooner or later. The rise in uterine and skin cancers is alarming. And it’s mostly brought about by the cancerous products we use on our face. Some even sleep with the makeup on the face which is not recommended. The make-up artists should not put money first, think of the dangers you are exposing your clients to!

What are the three things a woman should always carry in her handbag and why?

3 things- hand sanitizer, EVERY woman needs this in their bag! Our hands are the dirtiest parts of the body because we touch everything e.g. money, stair railings etc.

A mirror: instead of looking into someone’s car window to make your hair or scarf, carry a small mirror with you!

And a lip balm: not a lipstick, not a lip-gloss, a LIPBALM. No one wants to see you with cracked lips…

What motivates you?

Motivation: my family is my motivation. I want the best for my children and i will do anything for them to get the best.

What advice would you give to a woman struggling out there?

Every woman has a struggle, you just need to be strong, wipe those tears, and do your best! We are women, we go through a lot and we still come out strong. Create a business for yourself don’t wait to be fed, clothed. Opportunities like Oriflame await you. Registration is just 450/=, risk free! Plus free training.

What are your goals for the future?

To help other women succeed. In Oriflame we say, We rise by lifting others. And i plan to help as many women grow to higher levels and create a future for their children.

Parting shot

It’s time to wake up my fellow women. Today, I am a proud mother after seeing and helping my daughter succeed in this business. Create a future for your children; don’t wait for them to be seated behind a desk being paid 20k a month. Network marketing is the best gift you can give them! I did it, and you can do it too.


First Annual International Nubian Cultural Extravaganza and Food Festival

Mombasa County had its First Annual International Nubian Cultural Extravaganza and Food Festival at Mama Ngina Drive, a festival to celebrate and showcase the Nubian cultures around East Africa.

The Nubian women were all dressed in their traditional attire, showcasing their wonderful culture.

The festival was interesting because you get to see Nubian people from all over East Africa.

Here are the sights and sounds.

Kenya Blog Awards

Life in Mombasa has been nominated for the Kenya Blog Awards 2016.
Kenya Blog Award recognizes and awards exceptional Kenyan bloggers in different categories every year. It is organized by the Bloggers Association of Kenya.
Please take your time to vote and spread the word.
The link to vote is:
Go to the bottom to Best County Blog – vote for Life in Mombasa (

Thank You


Swahili Breakfast: Mbaazi and Mahamri

It’s not a Swahili breakfast without Mbaazi and Mahamri (Mahambri), if you have lived in coast you know this is true. A true coastal tradition passed on generation by generation, and still going on up to date.

Mbaazi is made of pigeon peas cooked in coconut milk, while Mahamri (Mahambri) is a Swahili delicacy eaten with other meals to compliment the taste. It’s fascinating that in Mombasa, this is a very common around town. You will find food vendors around different areas selling the combo at a reasonable price. A cup of Mbaazi goes from 30 kshs to 50kshs, while a Mahamri (Mahambri) goes for 5 kshs a piece. People on their way to work will stop over these vendors and devour in a coastal breakfast leaving them full for the rest of the day.


Jina langu ni Jamal Abdallah


Your name and what do you do?

I am Jamal Abdallah. I am a Lawyer, Mentor and a Media Creative. I am an entrepreneur and African media personality. I am the Head of Creative and Producer of “Kauli Yako” the breakfast show at Radio Salaam FM Mombasa. I am the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Jay Fun Media Limited, a content hub focused on quality African content, and Smart Move Group, a youth-to-youth organization that mentors and trains youth at the Coastal region of Kenya, on Financial Freedom. I am a true rainmaker who brings a unique vision to his work; that’s what makes me spark and stand out…

With a broad experience in the media I have worked across the platforms of broadcast and new media, always challenging the norms and pushing boundaries. My focus is on World Trade Law and Business Integration in Africa. I see myself to be: a forest of ideas, who would love to share his thoughts with you and make Kenya an island for productive Youth.

always challenging the norms and pushing boundaries.always challenging the norms and pushing boundaries.Plus other things 🙂

Jamal is a rare combination: at his young age he is a seasoned expert in both creative media concepts and Swahili literature.

Tell us three things about your hometown that you like?

I am from Mombasa but I currently reside in Diani, it is the best place after heaven. It is located at the southern coast of Kenya, on the richest continent in the world. My home town is blessed with infinite beauty and white sandy beaches, and recently awarded the best beach destination in Africa for the 3rd time now. It got diverse wildlife and verse marine resources from rivers that run straight to the beautiful beaches. Of course it is inhabited by beautiful souls. It is a true paradise. You name it, we got it.

Tell us about Kauli Yako on Radio Salaam?

Kauli Yako is a breakfast show that airs from 6 -10 am, Mon to Fri that show cases the rare taste of coastal content, shading a positive and educative prospect on politics, lifestyle, talent and self-awareness.

What inspired you to bring together the creative team?

I happen to be part of the craziest department. The team ranges from Copywriters, Production Assistants, IT, Graphic Designers and the company’s Photographer.

I am passionate about radio and impacting people’s lives positively. I wanted to create an arsenal that is based on mutual sharing and respect. I wanted to create a Creative Department that can be replicated anywhere under any circumstances. I only had a vision in the inside to recognize, and I am determined to train and lead the team to a modern digital set up that will lead my company to heights levels imagined. At the moment we are said to ‘controversial’ last time I heard on ‘Kauli Yako’ as we have rebranded and changed everything what our listeners have been used to… we even play Adele’s cover |Hallo.

Have you ever had team experience you found disappointing?

Yes! Cannot talk about it now. But it really got into my skin.

Do you think there is enough creatives in Mombasa?

I’m mindful that I inherit a system biased in my favour, but I’m also a passionate African – and have been outspoken on matters to do with the country because I care so much. Sadly, there haven’t been enough Creatives. I happen to be the only creative in Mombasa in the radio world.

What can creatives do to bring awareness of Art in Mombasa?

Creatives can apply impressive media concept programs that if implemented would be a gold mine to whatever brand that appeals to artists associated with the concepts.

impressive media concept programs that if implemented would be a gold mine to whatever brand you associate the concepts with.

Is the county doing enough to promote Art and creatives in Mombasa?

It’s a good question, and one which we should all ask, especially because now the country has gone digital. However, there hasn’t been much done yet in the country to promote Art and Creative work in Mombasa – I’m afraid to say so.  Appearing on music videos and having concerts set isn’t enough to promote the industry to the heights we all hope to attain.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

First off, doing what I love. InshaAllah (God willing) I have spearhead my own online content hub —, a tremendous little start-up. A digital platform that would change the game and levels in the playing field. A multi-faceted content platform, free from traditional media restrictions or complaints. A digital platform, giving access to freedom of expression. I would love to continue giving generously of my time to causes which are close to my heart. These include fighting the abuse of women and children; supporting literacy; helping those suffering from brain injuries and promoting nation-building. I would regularly love to make time for charity and cultural events and be found trying to get school kids to stop being nasty to each other, and listen to their teachers

Parting shot

Jamal Abdallah always has some exciting plans up his sleeve – because you deserve it!

Experience Bamburi Beach

Jomo Kenyatta beach also known as Bamburi beach is known for many reasons, first being a public beach it is open to anyone.  The open areas allow anyone to picnic at the beach, and enjoy the sea breeze.  You can take a walk on the white sandy beach, or go for a swim.  There other activities you can do at the beach with your family or friends and have a memorable experience.

Glass Bottom Boat ride

You can take a glass bottom boat ride and view the different Marine Life, including different species of Fish, Crabs, corals, sea urchins, jellyfish, sea stars, and sea cucumbers. The bottom ride goes for about 30 to 45 minutes for kshs 3000.


Sail boat

You can go on a sail boat and try your hands on maneuvering a sail depending on the wind direction. A unique way to experience the sea, and learn your strength.  The sail boat goes from about kshs 1000 to kshs 2000 depending on the distance.

Camel ride

A camel ride is one of the most common attraction at the beach; it is one of the most common tourist attraction.  The experience is unexplainable making it a must for anyone to try. The price goes from kshs 200 for adult to kshs 150 for a child.



Snorkeling at the Marine Park

The Mombasa Marine Park is home to a colourful variety of marine species including crabs, starfish, stone fish, cucumbers sea urchins, corals, turtles, sea grasses.  At Bamburi beach they offer snorkeling to the Marine Park at kshs 5500 per boat ride (including snorkeling gear), takes about 30 to 40 people.  Entrance fee at the Marine Park is kshs 150 adult and child.

Boat Ride and Tubes

You can take a boat ride and just look at the different areas of the sea for kshs 200 per person. Or if you decide to take a tire tube for a swim on the shore of Bamburi is also kshs 200 per day.



These are just some of the activities you can experience at Jomo Kenyatta beach ( Bamburi Beach), once you are at the beach you will see the different beach activities offered.

Jina Langu ni Sajjad Bagha


Your name and what do you do?

My name is Sajjad Bagha and I am an experience web and software designer.

What are the top three mistakes you have noticed that coast companies do in their website?

A- Not being dynamic

A Static website will soon become a dead website. In order to keep users coming back, your website needs dynamic, changing content. You can achieve this by adding a blog that you update daily or weekly, offering monthly coupons, adding new video content, or including a widget that provides product or company updates. Keeping your content fresh is also important for search engine optimization – just be sure not to reduce the density of important keywords if you’re tweaking content on an existing page.

B -Poor design

The average user can’t tell good design from great design, but they will notice a poorly designed website. The overall look and functionality of your business’ website can instantly determine your credibility. If your site is unattractive and hard to navigate, then you’re likely to lose potential customers to a competitor. Regardless of how technically savvy you are, remember that you are a business owner first and a web designer second. We strongly recommend outsourcing your web design if you don’t have a designer on staff

C -Too many hoops

This idea goes back to the functionality of your site. E-commerce is an essential component of most small business websites. Customers should be able to make purchases quickly and easily, without confusion. The ideal checkout process is straightforward, keeps users in-the-know on how many steps are involved in making a purchase, and limits the number of clicks required to complete a purchase. Checkout processes with 3 clicks or less tend to see higher returns, so keep this in mind when you’re building or evaluating your checkout. Shipping costs should also be easy for customers to determine, so consider offering flat-rate shipping or adding a shipping calculator to product or checkout pages. If users can’t assess what the total cost of purchase is, odds are they won’t buy anything. Lastly, don’t forget that what seems intuitive to you may not seem as simple to the users of your website. Soliciting customer feedback about the usability of your checkout process can be a great way to find areas for improvement.

Is creating a custom made software hard to build?

NO its not but in Business you need vary enormously from one organization to the next. So, naturally, continual improvement to processes and techniques to effectively run the business is a must. Business owners always have to step out of the normal day to day to evaluate whether or not we’re being effective, how we can improve inefficiencies and how we can plan for the future.

Where do you play sports? And do you think there is enough sports facilities in Mombasa?

I play sports in my community ground… errm not really haven’t seen any… hehehe but they should bring in the facilities.

What is your opinion on the sports industry in Mombasa?

I would say Mombasa is making an effort to encourage people to embrace in sports.

What is your biggest accomplishment in your sports?

Getting a save in league game

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

My inspiration is drawn through the loving and caring environment I was brought up in. I will always draw on that love my parents and family members giving me. I am so grateful to them and specially dad himself. It gives me guidance in the manner I should live my life and follow my dad’s step and to be like him.

What would be your ultimate achievement?

Becoming a world class website & software developer.

How do you manage life and work?

Manage work, manage time.

Simple formula.

  • Set yourself a clock and see to it you finish all your work within that time frame. Start organizing things at work place.
  •  No compromise on personal relationships
  • Do due diligence to your personal life. Spend time with family and friends on regular basis. Involve in social activities etc

Parting shot

Inventor fails 99 times, and if he succeeds once, he’s in. He treats his failures simply as practice shots.

The Abandoned ship at Bamburi Beach

There is a small abandoned ship on the shores of Jomo Kenyatta beach that has attracted many photographers due its rusty old look. The ship has been at the beach for almost two years. Rumour has it that it was bought by a Tanzanian guy but he is out of the country, in the meantime it is being fixed until he returns.

When walk on the public beach at Bamburi, you will find it there with onlookers trying to find out why the ship has anchored there.

Jina langu ni Alifiyah Ganijee


Your name and what do you do?
My name is Alifiyah Ganijee, a Post-Graduate (Masters of Science in Computer Systems), Part-Time IT lecturer at JKUAT Mombasa and a freelance Graphic and Web Developer as well as the Co-Founder and Community Manager at Mombasa Tech Community.

How does it feel to be woman in technology?
It feels really cool to be amongst the average 30% of women working in the tech industry globally. I think being in the tech industry especially for women is a competitive advantage. It’s not necessarily ugly but sometimes it can feel lonely

What was growing up like and how did you get interested in technology?
Interesting one…born and raised in Mombasa, growing up was pretty good, I completed my secondary education at the Aga Khan High School Mombasa and thereafter joined JKUAT Mombasa. The progression of technology and the effects it has had on civilization has always fascinated me, and generated within me a profound interest in Computing and Business Management. My passion for the subject expanded when I chose Business Information Technology, as my undergraduate course.

Tell us more about the projects/organization you are involved?
I’m the Co-Founder and Community Manager at the Mombasa Tech Community; a 5 year old Non-Profit Registered Community Based Organization (CBO) based in Mombasa focusing on inspiring and developing upcoming innovative technology ideas through networking, technical training and support and professional mentoring and coaching.

It brings together techpreneurs, entrepreneurs, developers, designers, investors and donors and provides them an opportunity to share knowledge, learn, find mentors and expound on tech ideas that will lead to the development of new technologies in Kenya and globally at large.

I’m also a Mozilla Representative and Regional Ambassador Lead in Kenya as well as the Manager for Google Developer Group (GDG) Mombasa, besides, I also lead Women Techmakers Mombasa as well as WoMoz (Women & Mozilla) Mombasa. Furthermore, am the Regional Ambassador lead for Technovation, a technology entrepreneurship program and competition for young women. Through an intensive 3-month, 50-hour curriculum, teams of young women work together to imagine, design, and develop mobile apps, then pitch their “startup” businesses to investors.

Is technology embraced enough in Mombasa?
Not really, I think we are just getting started, we have a long way to go but if we embrace it collectively and with great passion, the sky is the limit and who knows Mombasa could be the next Silicon Valley!

Do you have mobile development experience?
Yes I do, I develop mobile web applications and am an intermediate Android Developer.

Do you face any challenges being a woman in the technology field?
I’ve always aspired to develop, to be challenged. Eventually, “challenging” is what being a woman in high-tech feels like for me. But yes, a common challenge is where most people tend to “doubt” my capabilities both in terms of technical experience and leadership and I guess this is closely tied to gender and culture

Do you think Kenya or Mombasa County is doing enough to empower people in technology?
I would say that Kenya/Mombasa is making an effort to encourage people to embrace technology although I personally feel that we cannot say we are doing enough, just like I mentioned before, we are getting started in so many ways and there’s a lot more to be done…

What advice would you give to the young girls in High school who want to pursue a degree in technology especially in computer science?
It’s the way to go! It’s the “hot-cake” world-wide and trust me you are on the right track, programming or coding is not difficult and the fact that it makes you turn your ideas into reality, to innovate and solve real world problems, I don’t think anything else gives such happiness and satisfaction (at least from my experience) so go for it and keep in mind there are endless opportunities out there.

Parting shot
I count myself blessed and lucky to be where I am today and I love and enjoy every bit of what I do, I think that is happiness for me.
“If you can find something that you’re really passionate about, whether you’re a man or a woman comes a lot less into play. Passion is a gender-neutralizing force.” – Marissa Mayer