Author - Jammy

Jina langu ni Thomas Mlanda

Your name and what do you do?

I am Thomas Mlanda Kalume; a budding writer yet an established reader (laughs). I am a practitioner of the writer word.

What is the writer’s Guild?

The Writers Guild Kenya is a movement, quintessentially. Registered as a publisher, Writers Guild seeks to create opportunities and offer a platform to budding writers for the growth of their creativity, and exposure of their work; thus positioning them for breakthrough.

What is the latest book you have read?

I am at that critical stage in life when quarter life sets in – youth. As youths, we tend to be restless, unsteady and even unsure of almost every component of life, which is unsettling for me. I hope to steady my ship. I have therefore been reading fiction that revolves around psychology. My latest read is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

Do you think Mombasa residents have embraced reading?

No, and the situation is severely wanting. It is a cloud with a silver lining, though. I remain optimistic that the various initiatives that are currently ongoing, which seek to cultivate a reading culture among the people will eventually achieve the desired effect.

How do you deal with a writer’s block?

Music is my go-to zone whenever I need to call in the creativity. Deep, soulful, classic music tends to draw me into a small world of imagination and infinite possibilities. In that world, creativity reigns supreme.

If you were given a chance to introduce a reading program in schools, how would you do it?

What a timely question! I am currently working with Gabriel Dinda, the founder of Writers Guild Kenya to launch Set Book Help. This is a programme that aims to bring secondary school students to witness the beauty of literature by offering them in-depth analysis of all the set books in the curriculum. We plan to visit schools, offer stage analysis of the set books, launch an exclusive blog devoted to the analyses, and also a platform for us to interact online with them. Since the secondary school stage is such a transitional one, we hope to spark the students’ interest in the written word so they may develop a reading culture and carry it into the world. Our work of challenging the ‘Kenyans do not read’ belief shall only have started.

Do you prefer e-books or paperback?

I am an old-fashioned type (laughs). I prefer paperbacks.

Do you prefer reading alone or with a book club?

I enjoy those silent moments, tucked away from everyone and everything else except a book.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I believe life is not about the individual but rather what the individual does for others, and how much others benefit from it. In 10years, I believe I shall have made a mark in the literary world, to have brought people to appreciate the value of reading and realise that most of the world’s problems (if not all), can be solved through books. In the words of Beyonce, I shall be at peace to look back and say, ‘’I was here.’’

Parting shot

Life is full of amazing possibilities – if only you set yourself free.

Jina langu ni Hassan Faisal Ali

Your name and what do you do?
My Names are Hassan Faisal Ali. I am a Film producer and Director at Coastal Films productions. A Hotelier by profession and an event’s organizer and also a music producer.

Tell us about Coast Film Productions ltd?
Coastal Films was started way back 2009 to promote The Films Talent at The Kenyan Coast. We were motivated to start Coastal Films when we realized the number of homes in Mombasa who had an urge of watching Movies. At that time most homes were watching Indian Movies before Nigerians took over our screens.

Why did you go to into production?
I love Films, so I decided to learn how to do scripts thereafter I decided to start shooting movies.

How many series and Movies have you produced?
I have done 7 movies so far

We have few movies and series from Mombasa, what do you think is the problem?
The cost of doing Movies is not cheap and the market is not readily available. We have no sponsors due to the fact this is an Islamic town. The Able people will not sponsor story lines on violence etc. Companies here also have no authority to fund as decisions are made from their head offices in Nairobi

Where do you see the creative industry in Mombasa 5 years from now?
In the next Five years the coast will be leading in productions once we streamline the creative industry market. The coast has what it takes to do good movies; we have superb locations and talent down here.

What criteria do you use to select a script, screenwriter, director, etc.?
This relies on the story line and the budget plus available funds.

What is your latest project?
My latest project was Yoba Movie which we have shot with a Holland films company called CLFILMS.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
One of the biggest producer in Africa

Parting shot
The Government needs to invest more on creative arts industry in order to create self employments to the youth as it’s unable to provide employment to all this youths.

Live Band at Voyager Beach Resort

Sometimes Music makes anything worthwhile, and what better way to enjoy your dinner night with a live band. Recently had the privilege of having dinner at Heritage Hotels – Voyager beach resort. There was a live Band playing called Jambo Africa who was standing in for Mombasa roots.

Mombasa Roots was founded in 1977, a brainchild of the ‘Juma Brothers’ from Mombasa – Suleiman Juma (keyboards, vocals), Saeed Juma (band manager) and Ebrahim Juma (guitar). They were later joined by Mahmood Siraj (guitar and vocals), Hassan Malambo (trumpet and vocals), Tamrat Kabede (drums), and a fourth Juma brother, Ahmed (guitar, saxophone, and vocals). The band played live gigs around the coast which then spread out to the rest of Kenya.

This led to opportunities to tour and perform abroad. These tours saw the group play in Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Dubai, and Oman among other venues.

Mombasa roots perform every Wednesday and Saturday nights at Voyager Beach Resort, the themes for dinner on Wednesday is Swahili and on Saturday it’s Kenyan. The dinner price is kshs 2000 for non-residents at voyager. Drinks are billed separate.

You can enjoy the mouthwatering dishes while enjoying a live band playing most famous rhythms. After dinner you can dance the night away till 11pm when the band stops playing, or just sing with your friends to the most popular songs on the chart.

Other activities at Voyager:

  • The serve Swahili breakfast every Wednesday and Sunday.
  • The serve biryani lunch every Friday
  • The animation team performs dance shows every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

Jambo Africa Performing on October 8th 2016 at Voyager:

Jina langu ni Sarah Wanjiru

Your name and what do you do?

Sarah wanjiru.

Am a certified group fitness and personal trainer and a licensed Zumba instructor

Why did you decide to be a gym instructor?

I took in college but something was missing. Then one of the lecturers told me to try the field of sports and I did came back to Mombasa and I remember the satisfaction I felt when a client got In shape and I decided this was it. Am always happy when a client says I did it because of you.

What is your morning exercise routine?

honestly am not a morning person and it’s always tough to get a workout because of clients because when at work it’s all about the client and not to get a workout so I do it when I can.

What are the three key components to reach a fitness goal?

  • deliberate practice
  • consistency and intensity
  • commitment

What Mombasa food habit is the reason to high obesity rates?

Cheap, unhealthy food e.g viazi karai and too much oily food mixed with sedentary lifestyle has made so many young people overweight which is leading to more obesity and there is also the believe that being fat is ok!!

Give us three simple exercise routine a person can do at home to keep fit.

Jogging /marching down

Wall sits


How do you deal with junk food cravings?

Cravings are more in our head than belly or even body to break a craving expect it and make a smart substitution

Smoothies or fresh juices? Which is healthier?

Smoothie.  It all depends on your personal needs and goals.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Still doing fitness and help more women in Mombasa get healthier.

Parting Shot

If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.




Mombasa Beach Hotels: View from above

We visit hotels and resorts every other weekend and sometimes even stay for days and weeks.  We talk of the interiors, the architects but there is more to creating a resort.  There are key factors that play a role in building a functional and practical resort.

The way it is build is one of the major attraction, it has to be appealing. When we visit the resort and walk through the lobby and to the rooms; we get attracted to the finish, the décor and other small things that make the place unique.

There is another aspect that is unique in hotels and resorts and is the way the building are aligned and the pool.  This feature can only be seen from above the hotel.  Some Hotels create buildings based on their logo, or a pattern that is attractive. Each pattern represent the establishment.

During the Uber #Uberchopper ride, we were able to capture some hotels, resorts and luxury apartments from bird’s Eye view. Most of the Hotels and resort are unique, and represent the coast region in one way or another.

See them below:

Jina Langu ni Kulola Mlaghui


My name is Kulola Mlaghui …

What do I do..hmmmm the question should be what don’t I do?

-I am an actress,a director,makeup artist,content creator….in short I am an artiste.

-I am running a Program called SANNA SKILLS that is geared empowering young artistes from the ages of 19-25,by teaching them life skills.

-I am also currently working with a group of four skilled individuals ,passionate about all things art,and we are launching an initiative called THE SILENT ITCH,whose aim is also to empower the youth through theatre and the arts.

-I’m also a student(gumbaru) hahaha..

studying theatre and globalization online  the University of Munich

And  Terrorism and counter terrorism:comparing theory and practice from the University of  Leiden


I got into performing arts at a very young age…but more seriously when I was older,because I was looking for Carthsis after a painful experience I went through…and after I got over it,I guess the bug had bitten me,the passion never left,and here I am.


I would be a farmer I guess…Running around after my chicken..Barefoot..BUT

I really haven’t thought about that in a long time….because I’ve been doing this for a while now…there doesn’t seem to be any other options for me at least..because this is where my heart is ..


*Forget about the lines,they are looking for personality and the bones of the character you’re auditioning for.

*Ask questions,BUT ONLY when ABSOLUTELY necessary.

*Listen and react,think and respond,be real…don’t just prattle your lines off for the sake of it.

*Be flexible-be able to take direction well.

*Remember you are a person first and actor second-when hiring,most casting directors look for personality as much as performance…


This question is very tricky…because it depends on the complexity of the script and the directors discretion….I’ve had as much as two months and as little as one week..So it all depends really.


*My one hour quiet time….though these days it’s getting increasingly difficult because of doubling up as producer as well.

*Listening to my pre show classical music soothes me..

*The syke sessions.


My my…where to start.

*By encouraging forums that discuss the importance of theatre and artistes

*The government should engage itself in projects that will attract the private sector in the preservation of theatre buildings to meet the needs and demands of the industry and audience.

*The private sector should come in to sponsor plays,help create employment and awareness .

*attend plays…make sure we support the theatre.

*encourage young people who aspire to be in the theatre to follow their dreams.

There are so many things that can be done,apart from the ones I have highlighted but I think the first and most important thing is DIALOGUE between the public,private sector and theatre practitioners to forge a way forward.


Unlimited resources…..the word itself is mind boggling ..

But if I didn’t have to pinch pennies,I’d

-Create  a press strategy, which would  incredibly specific: it details what the media pitch might be; what newspapers or websites would be a good fit for promoting the production,that would include hiring a digital media marketing team.

-Work with Local photographers can who can do cast photos shoots for program biographies and production images for all promotional materials.

-Engage coprates, have a digital media campaign..

etc etc


Ten years from now,I see myself owning a creative center,where art can be taught and practiced in a holistic manner.


Art is sacred it’s a calling,it’s not something to be entered into lightly.Without thought.

Art is also a business one that should should be able to pay your bills.

So in as much as we focus on the business artistic integrity should also be an important factor.

An artist should strive to enhance talent by learning his craft.

Artists should unite so that we have a voice that will be able to push for legislation that will empower artistes.

Infighting,backbiting and will not solve the problems we have.

Once we unite we will be able to engage others to support art and develop it,so that it can take its rightful place in Kenya economy.

Jina langu ni Fatma Mazrui

Your name and what do you do

….smiles then proceeded…..My name is FATMA MAZRUI and I am the founder and owner of NITUME ONLINE COMPANY.

Tell us about Nitume online

Nitume Online is our local Online Messenger Service Company based in Mombasa. Basically our aim is to help people manage their time well. What we actually do is we run people’s errands giving them more time and space to concentrate on what’s really important in their day to day life.

What inspired you to do it?

……uummmh…..I used to have an 8 to 5 job and what I noticed was, I would procrastinate and put things off till the weekend. The weekend on the other hand was a tricky business to manage my errands putting in mind that most offices operate half day or don’t open up at all. So rushing up and down all over town trying to keep up was proving to be futile and come Monday am still left with pending issues.

Based on that cycle, it gave me a push and drive to start thinking of a way to come out of this mess, and that’s where NITUME ONLINE was born.

Do you face any obstacle in Mombasa?

Well, there is no business that’s a walk in the park. Obstacles are there especially if the idea is foreign to the targeted customers. Having people contemplating paying someone to run their errands is not an easy task. So there is the trust issue coming up and again a vast of people don’t even want to inquire much about the service since they assume it’s meant to be for the high end users or its too expensive while that’s not really the case.

How do you balance between family and running a start up?

Basically it’s all about prioritizing and having a well laid out plan that eventually makes me strike a balance. So yeah, anything is possible if you manage your time well.

Do you think there are enough female entrepreneurs in Mombasa?

I don’t think if I should say there are enough, what I believe is there are a lot of women with potential but are just afraid to take the chance and start a business. Moving around whilst doing marketing for my business I’ve seen more and more female entrepreneurs who inspire me with their experiences and journey. So the number is growing.

Did you utilize any resources to help you start your business?

I had a laptop and savings. Can friends be referred to as a resource? Hahaha I identified a few of my friends to assist me with technical expertise and they did not disappoint.

How can women in Mombasa support each other?

Through networking and mentorship. What women need to understand and embrace is that the more they can invest in other people, the more successful they are going to be. People who have been most successful in business have a network and have leveraged groups of people to specific achievements.

Where do you see your company 10 years from now?

Having a footprint all over the coastal strip and Major towns in Kenya.

Parting shot

Dreams don’t work unless you do. You just don’t dream of owning or building a boat while you are doing nothing to achieve or make that dream come true. There are only two options: make excuse or make progress.

Mombasa from above the Sky #UberChopper

Technology has changed the way we do things nowadays, and it has replaced many manual functions in the society. Uber, a groundbreaking car e-hailing app has been in the market in Kenya for two years and in Mombasa just few months ago (Read).  By the click of a few buttons, you can call a car, and have it take you to your destination getting all the details on your phone.

On Sunday 4th September, Uber gave 6 lucky winners a chance to explore Kenya’s magical wonders from the heights through a helicopter ride courtesy of Corporate Helicopters Kenya with Mombasa celebrities Chef Ali Mandhry, DJ Lenium and Miss Global Kenya Tima Keilah. Sarova Whitesands was the location sponsor and provided a scrumptious breakfast for the guests. The helicopters lifted off and landed from the tennis court, the trip took about twenty minutes. The entire event was covered by the Media.

Life in Mombasa got a chance to ride in one of the trips around the coast and see the magical Mombasa; the experience was beautiful and breathtaking. Seeing the contrast of Mombasa, the new building and the old Swahili buildings together creating a burst of colours and the different architectural structures. You want to fall in love with Mombasa all over again. The view of the beach to the upscale Nyali area and to historic Old town area was magical.

This is what the winners had to say:

Elizabeth Maina (Instagram Winner) – It was the best experience I ever had. The view was so beautiful from up there.

Naimah Jarad (Facebook Winner) – My experience for the uber chopper ride, with the help of Uber we crossed the chopper ride off our bucket list! Absolutely awesome.

Mujtabaa Bachani  (app winner) – It was an amazing ride. Once in a lifetime experience and I’ve never felt as excited as in today’s ride.

Sights from the Uber Chopper ride:

Jina langu ni Muscat Moreno

Your name and what do you do?

Muscat Sayye is my name but am famously known as Muscat Moreno. I am a performing artist (Theatre, film & TV), Voice over artist, MC, content creator, talent manager, creative director and a social entrepreneur to name but a few.

Tell us about being an artist in Mombasa?

Being an artist in Msa is quite challenging coz the support you get from your consumers is pretty low but however its very competitive and needs you to be on top of your game always.

What role does the artist have in society?

The role of an artist in the society is to address the social ills in a creative way. Mentorship to upcoming artists and be a role model.

What’s your favourite art work?

Theatre is my first love.

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I have worked in several NGOs as a field coordinator, research assistant and community facilitator.

Do you think artist in Mombasa are well branded?

Haha, hmm ok to be frank there is still a lot to be done.

What advice would you give to upcoming artist?

Learn from the best, research and understand the trade, create content with long shelf life.

If you were given resources to create space and options for Artist, what would you do?

I would create a creative village, a place artists can camp and learn/share with other creatives to develop quality artistic work.

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

I wouldn’t say compared coz I am my own kind of artist but I look up to them and really learn a lot from them *Raymond Ofula *Mrisho Mpoto and *Samuel L Jackson.

Parting Shot

The entertainment sector is a multi billion industry, we need to come together as industry stakeholders and formulate policies that will regulate and create a level ground for all practitioners to be pushed and consented in the county assembly.

Movie and Mkekas: Once upon a time Mombasa

On the Sunday afternoon of August 28th at 2 pm, people strolled in to Haller Park Mombasa for the outdoor movie experience. The Dj was playing some oldies that people couldn’t resist dancing as they looked for a mkeka to settle in and watch the classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

An hour before the movie started Juukua the band played some oldies that will make you get up and get your feet dancing. The band was well rehearsed and gave their best performance.  Food was also in great supply, chicken and chips and some mshikaki plus some hot dogs. And of course Madafu and pop corn on the house!

The outdoor movie experience is one of a kind, a great afternoon to spend with family and friends.

Here are the sights from Sunday #Unforgettablenow